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"Behold the wonderful organization of the physical body! How the learned are wonder-struck with it? First, there is the osseous frame-work girt with a network of vessels - veins, arteries, and nerves, etc., - invested with flesh and the whole covered by skin with its appendages - nails and hairs. Then how beautifully are the different organs, such as the heart, the liver, the spleen and the lungs - ventilating apparatus - laid out. The formation of the brain, of the optic nerve with the most reticulate formation of the retina, the demarking of the paths of indriyas - the principles of sensation and action - the linking of the soul with the body, the assigning of definite places to it for wakeful state, slumber and deep sleep, the formation of different kinds of dhaatus - tissues and secretions, such as muscle, bone marrow, blood, reproductive elements - and the construction of various other wonderful structures and mechanisms in the body who but God could have caused." The Light of Truth

"The earth studded with various kinds of precious stones and metals, the seeds of trees of a thousand different kinds with their wonderful exquisite structures, leaves with myriads of different colors and shades, flowers, fruits, roots, rhizomes and cereals with various scents and flavors none but God could create. Nor could anyone except God create myriads of earth, suns, moon, and other cosmic bodies, and sustain, revolve and regulate them." Light of Truth

The Light of Truth

"These things being rightly dispatched does it not appear from phenomena that there is a Supreme Being incorporeal, living, intelligent, Omnipresent, who is infinite space sees the things themselves intimately and thoroughly perceives them and comprehends them wholly by their immediate presence to Himself." Sir Issaac Newton

God, ( see Chapter 1) the primary efficient cause, is good, pure and holy, superior to others, in nature, attributes, power and good works. He is the greatest among the great, holiest among the holy, and purest among the pure. There is no one equal to Him, nor will anyone ever be. Neither matter nor soul possesses such infinite powers and attributes as Truth, Justice, Mercy, Omnipotence, Omniscience.

A thing, when true and real, has nature, attributes and characteristics that are also true and real. So worshiping is wise for all humanity that adores God and God only, no one else but Him. Even men of yore, saints and sinners believed and venerated Him and Him only. He is the absolute friend of all, unfriendly and indifferent to none. No man can be like Him.

"He Who has created this multiform universe, and is the cause of its sustenance as well as dissolution (see Chapter 8) the Lord of the universe in whom the whole world exists, is sustained and then resolved into elementary condition, is the Supreme Spirit. Know Him, O man, to be your God and believe in no other as the Creator of the universe." Rig Veda, X, 126, 8.

God absorbs into Himself or contains the universe, animate and inanimate. As grubs are born inside the fig tree, live and die in the same, so is the universe born, lives and perishes (reduces into its elementary condition) in God. He makes the wicked and the unjust shed tears. Whatever a man thinks, he speaks; whatever he speaks, the same he acts; whatever he acts he reaps. In other words, a man reaps whatever he sows. When the wicked suffer pain in consequence of their sins at the hand of Divine Justice, they wail and weep.

"I add only one more Hymn, (Rig. 10:121) in which the Idea of One God is expressed with such power and decision, that it will make us hesitate before we deny to the Aryan nation an instinctive monotheism." Professor Max Muller in "History of Sanskrit Literature."

God (see Chapter 7) combines the elements of an atom properly, and evolves the world out of them; unites bodies with souls, and delivers them out into the world, which they call their birth. He is Himself never born. He created the world and multiplied it. He has no limitations, boundaries, end or dimensions and He has no beginning, nor a first cause. He is the One who is all-blissful and endows to emancipate souls with bliss and bestows happiness on the good and the righteous. He is the true embodiment of existence among all that exists.

An English Scholar in his Vedic Conception of God:-"The Almighty, Infinite, Eternal, Incomprehensible, Self-existent Being, He who sees everything through never seen is Brahma, One un-known True Being, the Creator, the Preserver and Destroyer of the Universe....." Mr. Charles Coleman.

God, is only one and indivisible without any conglomeration, either of the same kind (as, man and man are of the same kind), or of a different kind (as trees and rocks are of different kinds from man), or made up of different parts. Consequently there is no relation of whole to its parts, as of body with its parts such as, eyes, ears. He possesses such attributes, as perfect knowledge, perfect bliss, purity, and infinite power. Everything in this universe is positive and negative. For instance, the material objects are negative, because they are void of the properties and powers of conscious beings, and feelings. They are also positive, because they possess their own material properties. The same is true of God. He is positive, when He is looked upon as possessed of His own attributes, as Omniscience, Omnipotence, but He is also negative, being free from properties of matter and soul.

"The most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. In essence, my religion consists of a humble admiration for this illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds." Albert Einstein from the book Private Albert Einstein by Peter A. Bucky with Allen G. Weakland, Andrews and McNeel.(Pg. 86)

Believing in God by a few characteristics, as Just, Merciful, Compassionate and All-Loving are the teachings of all faiths today but knowing and understanding God, by His attributes (creator, sustainer and dissolver) and nature (truth, consciousness and bliss) also is the notion of pure monotheism, which is the one true religion. Because of the want of this knowledge, many apprehensions arise in the minds of the most ardent and staunch believers, especially when children or devout people are the victims, as known to us, their innocence is queried and usually God gets the censure for it, but when the vile suffers, again as known to us, they praise His Justice.

These doubts are concocted by irrational preachers that sins are forgiven and there is no coming back of the soul. Since our daily chaperon, good or bad, is rarely known to us from the beginning of our lives, except some major events, how can we begin to assess others or others assess us. Only God, who is All-knowing, can be the Judge of all souls in previous, present and future births. Mankind should act according to what he prays for. If he prays for the attainment of the loftiest wisdom, let him do his foremost to accomplish it. As a matter of fact, prayer should be addressed to God for the attainment of an objective after one has vehemently endeavored to attain it.

Communion results in union with the Great Being and in direct cognition of Him. They are atheists and of weak intellect, and continually remain sunk in the depths of misery and pain who do not believe in, know, and commune with Him who is Resplendent, All-glorious, All-Holy, All-knowledgeable, sustainer of the sun, the earth and other planets, Who pervades all like ether, (matter in its subtlest form) who is the Lord of all and is above anything or anyone that possesses useful and brilliant qualities.

It is through the knowledge and contemplation of God alone that all mankind attains true happiness. Any other form or attribute that is not within reason of His Divine law of nature will surely be contradictory and will not be deemed to be purely monotheistic.

Now, that we are aware of what His characteristics, attributes and nature are, let us try to remove the doubt that has, and is always with us. There are many questions that can be asked of the One Supreme Being, but are the answers within rationality. Let us explore some of these qualms.

God is known by millions of names because His nature, attributes and characteristics are infinite. One name stands for each one of them. Here are a few examples:-Illuminator ~ He illuminates the multiform universe; All-wise ~ worthy of adoration and sought after and realized; All-pervading ~ because all world and worldly objects (animate and inanimate) dwell in Him and He resides in all of them; the Source ~ source and support of all light and creation; Supporter ~ life and support of the Universe, the cause of its dissolution, mightier than the mightiest, etc.

Aum is the Sanskrit name of God only and the application of the above list such as the Creator, Sustainer, etc., is determined by two factors, the subject under treatment and the adjectives that qualify them which signify Him in prayers, meditations, communions, or where such adjectives as Omniscient, Omnipresent, Holy, Eternal and Creator of the Universe qualify them.

On the other hand things under discussion are mentioned as created, protected, or sustained, disintegrated of where such qualifying words as finite, visible are used, they cannot be taken to signify God because He is neither subject to such changes as evolution or dissolution, nor is He finite or visible.

God has no hands but grasps and molds all things by virtue of His Omnipotence. He has no feet but transcends all in speed by virtue of His Omnipotence. He has no eyes but sees all perfectly, no ear but hears all, no internal organ of thought but knows all. No one can know His limits, He has been eternally existing. He is the Supreme Spirit that pervades all. Though devoid of senses and mind, He does all His work by virtue of His Omnipotence.

More on God >>>>>
"These things being rightly dispatched does it not appear from phenomena that there is a Supreme Being incorporeal, living, intelligent, Omnipresent, who is infinite space sees the things themselves intimately and thoroughly perceives them and comprehends them wholly by their immediate presence to Himself." Sir Issac Newton

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